1. Sun Microsystems, The Source for Java(TM) Technology http://java.sun.com | |
2. Holtsoft, Turing and Object-Oriented Turing homepage http://www.holtsoft.com/turing | |
3. Microsoft homepage http://www.microsoft.com | |
4. Lam, Y.K. IDE for Beginning Java Programmers 2000 | |
5. BlueJ, BlueJ - Teaching Java http://www.bluej.org | |
6. Motil, J. and Epstein D. JJ : a Language Designed for Beginners (Less Is More) available at http://www.publicstaticvoidmain.com" | |
7. Bailey, R., Language Processors 1998, Imperial College | |
8. Aho, A.V., Sethi, R. and Ullman, J.D. Compilers - Principles, Techniques and Tools 1986 Addison Wesley. | |
9. The Lex and Yacc page http://www.combo.org/lex_yacc_page/ | |
10. JGuru ANTLR website http://www.antlr.org | |
11. Moog, T. PCCTS resources and Notes for New Users http://www.polhode.com/pccts.html | |
12. Sable Research Group SableCC 2.16.2 Homepage http://www.sablecc.org | |
13. Gamma et al Design Patterns 1995, Addison Wesley | |
14. Jackson, C. and Tomlins, A. Java Generics 1999, http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~caj97/projects/course/java-generics/report | |
15. Java Developer Connection Prototype for Adding Generics to the Java(TM) Programming Language http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/earlyAccess/adding_generics/ | |
16. Bracha, G., Odersky, M. , Stoutamire, D. and Wadler, P. GJ, extending the Java language with type parameters 1998 | |
17. Pooley, R. Extended Bachus Naur Form http://www.cee.hw.ac.uk/~rjp/Coursewww/Cwww/EBNF.html | |
18. Eckel, B. Thinking In Java (2nd Edition) 2000, Prentice Hall | |
19. Microsoft Visual Studio http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/ | |
20. Sun Microsystems Forte http://www.sun.com/forte/ffj/overview.html | |
21. Raskin, J. The Humane Interface 2000, Addison Wesley | |
22. Wall, L. et al Programming Perl 2000, O'Reilly | |
23. Sun Microsystems Java 2 Platform SE v1.3 http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/api/ | |
24. Microsoft MSDN Online Library http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/ |